Petals Worldwide Florist Network - Services

Website companies, affinity organizations, fundraising groups, gift sites or other large groups of consumers can use our Network to send orders, local or international, and receive a commission on each sale.

Corporate Partners
Companies can offer their customers, clients or employees a floral and gift buying service through Petals Network and Grumleys and receive discounts on each order.

Relay services consisting of retail florist affiliates or groups of florists within a country or geographical region can send and/or receive bulk orders and earn commissions on each transaction.

Retail florists can send and/or receive orders from directly online or by fax and earn commissions on each order. We are an Australian, New Zealand and United Kingdom florist relay business.

Gift Suppliers
Gift suppliers are retailers who specialise in gift baskets and hampers delivered. With the Grumley's Network receive additional income from the Grumleys website and affiliates