Teleflora Australia - Flower Delivery Network
Our Florist Relay Services for Australia Florists
Join Australia's Premier Florist Network!![](../img/tnzlogo.gif)
Teleflora is one of Australia's oldest and most trusted floral relay services. Our network of professional and quality assured florists has been delivering fresh flowers for over 50 years throughout Australia. We support local florists all over the country and handle the sending and receiving of international and domestic floral and gift orders to and from Australia.
We're happy to offer membership to dedicated and exceptionally skilled florists to execute and deliver flowers Australia wide. Teleflora offers Member Florists an innovative, easy-to-use service with special attention paid to the satisfaction of florists and their customers.
Teleflora Australia's headquarters is based in Australia, and has been operating very successfully over 50 years. We run our own florist networks throughout Australia, the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland and New Zealand. Teleflora over the years has been dedicated to actively supporting the floral industry through sponsorship and participation. We pride ourselves on our commitment to supporting the floral industry and ensuring it continues to grow and develop in Australia.
Why should I join Teleflora ?
- 3 month trial available (conditions apply).
- You can receive orders on a fair-trading basis - free from the worry of 'old boy' network problems
- You can 'try out' Teleflora at no obligation or financial risk to your business
- You can choose how you wish to trade from our range of flexible, non-fixed trading options
- You won't be waiting weeks to get paid! Teleflora pays within 14 days of the end of the month
- Your prices and fees will be competitive, and we pay you 100% of the delivery fee!
- Receive free posters and merchandise for your store
- You can send orders for same day delivery in Australia, New Zealand and the UK
- You can send orders to over 100 international destinations
- You receive your own florist website
How do you apply for Teleflora Florist Membership?
Complete our quick registration form and a Teleflora representative will be in contact with you shortly. They'll answer any queries you may have, plus provide you with more information about Teleflora membership.
More Information About Florist Membership
Contact us today to learn more of the great benefits in becoming a member of the Teleflora Florist Network. We're happy to help you with any questions or concerns. Call us on 1800 802 035 (free call) or you can register your interest online.